Conscious Dance for Healing

Ayla Willow, Christine Rooney and Althea Finch

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Hosted by Althea from The PainFree Method.

In this free talk and demo the 3 of us will be sharing our knowledge and experience of how movement is essential to the body and through music and movement we can heal.

Christine is a trained nurse, midwife, district nurse and health visitor. She brings her personal story of healing with music after ill health forced her out of her job. She followed the alternate path to wellness as she was not prepared to take pharmaceuticals and instead start a journey of healing and self love.

Althea is a natural therapist of over 30 years. She learnt how movement frees the body - "we hold traumas, stress, memory in the cells that can be there for many years. Through movement this can be released."

Ayla teaches Conscious Dance. A wonderful freeing dance to music. You don't need to move if you don't want to or can't. Ayla gently suggests and encourages you to explore what part of you wants to move and leads us with beautiful rhythms and sounds from around the world.

*Ayla will be giving a short guided conscious dance experience

You'll learn-

✔️ How conscious dance doesn't even need to involve movement and still have pain release!

✔️ How pain and stresses are released through movement and sound.

✔️ How music guides us into a deeper part of ourselves, freedom and understanding.

Click to get the REPLAY-

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