Healing Through Your Hands

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You'll learn-

✔️ How to heal through your hands

✔️ To release pains and tensions easily

✔️ How to clear conditions in hard to reach areas

✔️ To free yourself of pain from a very deep level

✔️ To know where you are stopping or blocking your healing and what to do to release that.

I have been a natural therapist for 30 years and in that time I studied many modalities. One of the things I noticed was that what's in you is reflected everywhere - in your physical form, your emotions, your thoughts, your experiences.

You can see what's going on in the body by analysing the face as in Chinese Traditional Medicine (TCM), the ears with auricular reflexology, in the feet and the hands with Reflexology, through the pulse with acupuncture, analysing any cell in the body under the microscope, looking at the way someone stands or moves, body language. In the sound of the voice.....EVERYWHERE!!!

What you'll learn on this talk is how to release your physical pain and symptoms by pressing, moving and connecting with your hands.

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