Hidden Blocks to Being Pain Free

- Free talk with Linda Anderson, Mindset Mentor and EFT Tapping Coach.

It's now ended, but click on the button below to see the replay and

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Subconscious blocks to receiving what you want are a powerful thing and they can stop you healing or receiving anything you want, including being pain free!

Linda specialises in teaching transformational coaches, healers and soul-inspired business owners how to overcome self-doubt, procrastination and overwhelm so they can get their services out into the world with more ease and flow and be well paid for the gifts that come naturally to them. Which of course involves identifying and releasing the hidden inner blocks that are holding them back.

On this amazing talk Linda shares with us:

 ✔️Two powerful questions to ask yourself that will help you identify your own specific hidden blocks to healing.

 ✔️How to use EFT Tapping to acknowledge and release the stress of any unhelpful thoughts and feelings about your condition.

 ✔️How to use EFT Tapping to restore the right flow and balance of energy to your body and put it in the best possible state for healing to occur.

We’ll also be doing some tapping with Linda, so do make sure you’re in a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed, with any distractions on your devices turned off so you can really focus inwards and make the most of the opportunities for healing on this call.

This will be perfect for you if you love natural ways of healing and are open to something new.

Click the button to get the REPLAY

*Plus FREE gift: tap-along to ‘get out of overwhelm fast’

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