Nutrition for Empowerment

- free talk with Jennifer Murrant

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Hosted by Althea from The PainFree Method.

An inspiring talk and I do hope that you can join myself and Jennifer.

Jennifer began her journey as a health practitioner over 25 years ago when she commenced her study in naturopathy and nutrition.  Since qualifying with a degree in Complementary Medicine, her work has continued to expand and evolve, with what she observed and heard from her clients driving what she needed to learn.  As a result she has done post graduate study in Psychotherapy, Coaching Psychology, Somatic Experiencing, Neuro-Affective Touch and various types of energetic medicine.  The integration of these practices is what guides her to assist others in accessing their own innate capacity to heal and be well, when given the right conditions.  This capacity within us all is so often hugely underestimated due to our societal programming.  One of the necessary conditions is providing the right fuel (food and nutrients) to allow the wisdom of the body and mind to heal and thrive.   The way we eat is also as important as what we eat, meaning the state of our nervous systems at meal times.  All of our systems are connected and influence one another, just as our external environment influences our internal environment.  

How we feel and what we've been through directly impacts our digestion.

Trauma can stop your digestion working.

You'll learn about:

✔️Nutrients required for processes in the body that prevent disease.

✔️How to improve the quality of food that improve your health.

✔️How to choose foods for vibrancy and maximise the positive effects in you.

✔️How to reduce inflammation and reverse physical conditions through diet.

✔️Improving gut health for immune disorders and allergies.

Click on the button below to watch-

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