The 9 Munay-ki Rites

- with Virginie Guillot and Pippa Day

Becoming who you want, who you truly are.

*The talk has ended now but you can watch the REPLAY by clicking the button below -

Virginie and Pippa are the last people to receive these energy transmissions and in this talk they will sharing what are the 9 rites and what can they do for you.

These 9 energy transmissions came from the Kirol Shaman, who’ve lived in the mountains of Peru for the last 500 years.

For the very first time, in 2000, they came down from the mountains. They had downloaded information that they had to share.

Munay Ki -  means Universal Love

It's all about upgrading your energy, manifesting from your heart, taking the right action.

Becoming stronger, feeling guided, connected to your soul purpose.

Your synchronicity is stronger

You'll be aligned with who you are becoming in this time.

Become who you truly are.

On this talk Virginie and Pippa will be covering -

✔️ Energy transmissions to upgrade our Luminous energy field for the time to come.

✔️ Helping us to be on our soul path and becoming who we truly are, truly life changing,

✔️ Manifesting from our heart.

Watch this special and amazing talk

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