The Birth Imprint

– The Lifelong Consequences of Our Birth Experience

free talk with Matthew Appleton.

To watch the REPLAY and see ALL the other talks too,

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Hosted by Althea from The PainFree Method.

Really extraordinary work and something very akin to The PainFree Method.

Matthew Appleton MA UCKP RCST is a registered Body Psychotherapist and Craniosacral Therapist living in Bristol. He a member of the International Society of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Medicine and has more than 20 years experience of lecturing, facilitating workshops and training practitioners in working therapeutically with babies, children and their parents. 

He is the author of two books;

A Free-Range Childhood. Self-Regulation at Summerhill School (2000) and Transitions to Wholeness. Integrating Prenatal, Transpersonal and Somatic Psychology (2020).

Every Baby has a Story to Tell. An introduction to Baby Body Language


Babies reveal a lot about their experience of birth and prenatal life through their body language. It is both expressive and very specific and yet it is largely ignored as having no meaning by both parents and professionals alike. When this is recognised and empathically mirrored, babies can release inner tension and distress.

This talk includes film of therapeutic work with babies and an overview of how our birth experience is somatically anchored in patterns of compression and tension. 

You are invited to an online Zoom talk where you'll learn-

✔️ What we go through during the birthing experience.

✔️ How tension from birth gets held in the body.

✔️ How the stresses we feel in our lives as adults echo with earlier experiences.

✔️ The ways our birth can affect our relationship with transitions later in life.

✔️ To bring more empathy to babies and our own birth story.

Click to watch

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